Developer: Deck Nine
Publisher: Square Enix
Genre: Adventure game
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
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Life is Strange Befor the Storm Episode 3
Cultured Vultures 90
Attack of the Fanboy 90Hell Is Empty is the calm before the storm, if you picture them already being in the eye of the hurricane. False safety lingers at every corner, and happiness is fleeting in Chloe’s life, and she just can’t get a rest. It’s a triumphant ending to Chloe and Rachel’s story that ends with a shot.
Meristation 85Though I enjoyed the first two episodes of Before the Storm, I wanted to hold off calling it a great game until I could see how it ended. Now that the ending is here, I feel comfortable stating that this game is another great entry in the Life is Strange series. The overall story stayed interesting throughout, the characters were complex, the bigger themes were brilliant and it was a generally emotional and expertly executed second trip to Arcadia Bay. Even those who were skeptical of a company other than DONTNOD developing a Life is Strange game, or those worried that Chloe wouldn’t be as effective as a protagonist as she was as a deuteragonist, can set their doubts aside and enjoy Before the Storm for the effective prequel that it is.
PlayStation LifeStyle 85Badass and at the same time lovely story that will reach our hearts if we empathize with Chloe and Rachel. The perfect prequel for a thrilling story with a characteristic graphic and sound design. Treating the figure of secondary characters so masterfully, the whole world of Arcadia Bay feels alive and will make us feel inside.
Game Informer 85Before the Storm does do some fantastic work of setting the brickwork for the original game.
SpazioGames 80Even with some foibles, Hell is Empty does a fantastic job filling in the blanks of what happened before Chloe was reunited with Max. As a fan, its references to the original shed light on how many things came to be, such as Chloe's transformation. Yes, I knew the conclusion, but it still has enough interesting developments to keep me invested. Before the Storm accomplishes what so many prequels fail to do; it tells its own story that leaves you content, while also connecting to the original game in a meaningful way.
Twinfinite 80The last episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm is awesome. It resonates in the characters of Chloe and Rachel, building a story on few very strong topics.
Metro GameCentral 80Before the Storm is the more personal take on the series’ formula, forgoing the supernatural elements of the first series in favor of something more real, and I’m so glad it did.
Gameblog.fr 70The episode itself has its weak points, but it’s still a successfully heart-rending finale to one of the great storytelling achievements in gaming.
Push Square 70With Life is Strange Before the Storm - Episode 3 : Hell is Empty, Deck Nine brings a satisfying conclusion to this prequel. Even if we could have expected some more significant consequences to the choices we wake, it's still a touching story for two really adorable characters in a lovely world. A godd way to wait for what's next.
Cubed3 60Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is more down to Earth than the main campaign, and it’s actually better for it. Deck Nine’s done an incredible job of working within the boundaries that DONTNOD’s story set, and its biggest achievement is characterising the enigmatic Rachel Amber, who’s both intoxicating and fragile all at the same time. Episode 3: Hell Is Empty feels like it could use a little more breathing room, but it crescendos with a gorgeous conclusion that’s as heart-warming as it is heart-breaking. After all, we already know whether this story ends.
Not much happens in the final episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and, at first, it doesn't seem to matter as, instead of any new stuff, it's the "feels" that are in the spotlight this time around. The only true problem seems to be the sleep-inducingly slow pacing of it all, something that sort of ruins the end of this prequel.
Life is Strange Befor the Storm Complete Season
RPG Fan 92
gamesradar+ 90I really couldn't be happier with what we've been given. Deck Nine gets Life is Strange, but more than that, it capitalizes on the material to make it even better. By the end of this first episode, I was not only awe-struck, but a little misty. Completely blown away by the sheer quantity (four hours!) and quality of this first episode, I absolutely cannot wait for the next two installments in this three-episode series. I may know what's going to happen, but it's all about the details. This is more than a love letter — it's a brewing tempest of adolescent insight.
IGN Italia 90Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a brilliantly crafted prequel series that does well to highlight just how integral Rachel Amber is to the whole series’ overarching story.
Shacknews 80Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a beautiful, delicate novel about psychological and moral growth.
Impulsegamer 80Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a beautiful journey through Chloe Price's teenage years. It's a brilliant exploration of what happens when a directionless teenager meets a special person that changes the course of their life forever. It's a journey that explores the themes of loss, love, finding one's self, and whether the road to happiness ultimately lies in truth.
PCGamesN 80Episode 1 of Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a genuinely fun and well-written return to the intriguing world of LiS with similar profound themes, extensive character development and ‘hella’ interesting high-school drama. Deck Nine have introduced compelling new ideas in their prequel while remaining respectful of the original source material, and fans will be hard-pressed to find fault in their faithful rendition of the somber atmosphere of Arcadia Bay.
Hooked Gamers 75Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a masterful prequel, then.
USgamer 60Although a single playthrough is rather short, the fact that the range of choices and their consequences will result in different endings, means that multiple playthroughs are a legitimate option. And with some wonderful storytelling and voice acting, Before the Storm will give players an emotional ride, one that I look forward to continuing with Episode 2: Brave New World.
VideoGamer 60Despite an uneven final episode, the bond between Chloe and Rachel cements the surprising prequel, sometimes even soaring above the heights of the original game. It still has all the faults of Life Is Strange as a series, but its domestic focus helps it resonate even greater than its successor. If Rachel Amber is the Laura Palmer of Life Is Strange, then Before the Storm is her much-deserved Fire Walk With Me.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm, despite a great second episode, ends feeling rushed and loses the focus on Chloe and Rachel's relationship.
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