از سايت سختگير GAMESPOT اين بازي امتياز بسيار خوب 8.5 گرفته كه واقعا عاليه .
نكات مثبت بازي :
Great rewards system*Pinatas are super cute*Tons of depth and replay value*Cooperative mode helps ease inexperienced players into the game*Very impressive visuals, both technically and artistically
نكات منفي:
*The same basic game as the original *Voice acting is terrible
نكات مثبت بازي :
Great rewards system*Pinatas are super cute*Tons of depth and replay value*Cooperative mode helps ease inexperienced players into the game*Very impressive visuals, both technically and artistically
نكات منفي:
*The same basic game as the original *Voice acting is terrible