آخرین اخبار هک PS4 | آخرین ورژن Firmware هک 9.00 | (پست اول مطالعه شود)


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آپدیت11 کنسول PS4 هک شد

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آخرین ویرایش:
سلام مجدد به دوستان عزیزم

خبر اول به درخواست دوستان عزیزم حذف شد .

خبر دوم :

در رابطه با عملیات هک PS4 که تو صفحات قبلی در رابطه با اون صحبت کردیم که توسط خودم و جدیدا یکی از همکارانم که داره بهم کمک میکنه بگم که بعد از چند روز یه اتفاق جالب برامون افتاد ! دیروز موفق شدیم در حالی که دیسک بازی درایو کلاب تو دستگاه بود و بازی رو با دیسک اجرا کردیم ، بازی متال گیر فانتوم پین اجرا شد از روی هارد ! و البته این اتفاق فقط 2 دقیقه طول کشید و دستگاه اروری مبنی بر خرابی دیسک داد که وقتی دیسک رو دوباره درون دستگاه قرار دادیم دیگه بازی رو اجرا نکرد :-??

نکته جالب اجرای 2 دقیقه ای بازی بود که ایده من رو عملی کرد تا حدودی اما باید متوجه بشم چطور میشه دستگاه رو بیشتر از 2 دقیقه فریب داد !
آخرین ویرایش:
سلام مجدد به دوستان عزیزم

بعد از زحمتی که مدیران عزیز سایت کشیدن برای بن کردن موقت من ! در خدمتتون هستم با لینک کرک برزیلی معروف PS4

آموزش هک کنسول PS4


در رابطه با عملیات هک PS4 که تو صفحات قبلی در رابطه با اون صحبت کردیم که توسط خودم و جدیدا یکی از همکارانم که داره بهم کمک میکنه بگم که بعد از چند روز یه اتفاق جالب برامون افتاد ! دیروز موفق شدیم در حالی که دیسک بازی درایو کلاب تو دستگاه بود و بازی رو با دیسک اجرا کردیم ، بازی متال گیر فانتوم پین اجرا شد از روی هارد ! و البته این اتفاق فقط 2 دقیقه طول کشید و دستگاه اروری مبنی بر خرابی دیسک داد که وقتی دیسک رو دوباره درون دستگاه قرار دادیم دیگه بازی رو اجرا نکرد :-??

نکته جالب اجرای 2 دقیقه ای بازی بود که ایده من رو عملی کرد تا حدودی اما باید متوجه بشم چطور میشه دستگاه رو بیشتر از 2 دقیقه فریب داد !
اون کرک برزیلی عملیه؟! یعنی بازی راحت روش اجرا میشه؟ جایی نشنیدم همچین روشی رو استفاده کنند آخه.
بازم خیلی خوبه دمت گرم!:|
اون کرک برزیلی عملیه؟! یعنی بازی راحت روش اجرا میشه؟ جایی نشنیدم همچین روشی رو استفاده کنند آخه.
بازم خیلی خوبه دمت گرم!:|
یه دوستی هم صبح این اشتباه رو کرد ، کار من با اون روش برزیلی فرق میکنه کلا ربطی به هم نداره من اون رو به عنوان یه خبر گذاشتم تو فروم
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یه دوستی هم صبح این اشتباه رو کرد ، کار من با اون روش برزیلی فرق میکنه کلا ربطی به هم نداره من اون رو به عنوان یه خبر گذاشتم تو فروم

با سلام
این روش پارسال اگه اشتباه نکنم قبل از اومد که یه سرچی تو انجمن بکنید من خودم موضوعش مطرح کردم با نام اگه اشتباه نکنم هک به روش برزیلی
اونم میاد از ROM دستگاه با یه قطعه دستساز بکاپ میگیره و ...
دیگه حوصله تایپ ندارم:-t:-t

من به شخصه از کار شما حمایت میکنم:):):):):):)
منتظر خبر های خوب شما هستم

یکی ترجمه کنه ببینم چی میگه



PS4 Firmware 4.0 to feature Folders and more

by wololo · August 16, 2016

Sony have given some additional details today on what we can expect from the upcoming 4.0 Firmware update.

PS4 4.0 Update – What’s new?
A UI refresh seems to be the main feature will be getting from PS4 4.0, with what Sony describe as “a more refined and easy to use UI”. In particular, the quick menu (which appears when you press the Playstation button ingame) has been revamped:


To me the most interesting feature in this upcoming PS4 update 4.0 is probably going to be the possibility to create folders in our libraries. Being a PS Plus member for quite some time now, and having been on countless betas, I can say that my library is a gigantic mess and barely usable. It took me almost 10 minutes the other day to find back a game that I know I owned as a PS+ member but which name I had forgotten (and I forgot it again… it’s that weird side-scrolling shooter where you play as a fish?).

Being able to create folders, such as the folders of local co-op games I can play with my son, will be an awesome addition to the system. Next if I could remove all the clutter I never use such as Playstation Vue, that would be great Sony.


Lol I don’t think No Man’s sky is actually in anyone’s “Favorite games” list right now…

Other upcoming changes include updates to the user profile, some trophy improvements, and the possibility to upload twitter videos of up to 140 seconds (10 seconds currently)

PS4 4.0 and PS4 Hacks
The PS4 4.0 Firmware update comes in the context of a recently revealed Webkit exploit for the PS4 Firmware 3.55, the exact same exploit that was used as en entry point for the PS Vita Henkaku hack. It remains to be seen if PS4 firmware 4.0 will patch the webkit exploit, although that sounds pretty likely at this point.

source: Playstation blog
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Obtaining Your PlayStation 4 SFlash via PS4 Root FTP Server Guide

PlayStation 4 developer zecoxao recently shared a simple guide on how to obtain your SFlash from a root FTP server should something go terribly wrong with your PS4 console while trying to hack the hell outta it :p

Here's the brief tutorial on how to grab your SFLASH from Root FTP Server, to quote:

The SFlash is useful for when something might happen to your PS4 (some changes that affect the console in a way that it won't be able to boot later) and in case you need it you can use it together with your hardware flasher device to undo the changes you made to flash that caused the console to brick.

What you'll need:

1- Enable the ftp server (big silver star) located at PS4 WebKit Playground
2- Connect with the client
3- Navigate to /dev/
4- There should be a device called sflash0. Download it.
5- Make sure its exact size after the download is finished is 33554432 bytes/ 32768 KB / 32 MB

Congratulations! You should have your SFlash :) Keep it safe in a location only you know in case something goes wrong with your PS4.
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Obtaining Your PlayStation 4 SFlash via PS4 Root FTP Server Guide

PlayStation 4 developer zecoxao recently shared a simple guide on how to obtain your SFlash from a root FTP server should something go terribly wrong with your PS4 console while trying to hack the hell outta it :p

Here's the brief tutorial on how to grab your SFLASH from Root FTP Server, to quote:

The SFlash is useful for when something might happen to your PS4 (some changes that affect the console in a way that it won't be able to boot later) and in case you need it you can use it together with your hardware flasher device to undo the changes you made to flash that caused the console to brick.

What you'll need:

1- Enable the ftp server (big silver star) located at PS4 WebKit Playground
2- Connect with the client
3- Navigate to /dev/
4- There should be a device called sflash0. Download it.
5- Make sure its exact size after the download is finished is 33554432 bytes/ 32768 KB / 32 MB

Congratulations! You should have your SFlash :) Keep it safe in a location only you know in case something goes wrong with your PS4.

دوستان عزيز اگه ميشه ترجمه كنن.
PS4 3.55 File Browser By TheoryWrong

PS4 3.55 FileManager

So recently we had major massive news for the PS4 Jailbreak Scene for the Firmware on 3.55 with the PS4 3.55 playground and module Dumps
But not long ago, But only just 4 hours ago TheoryWrong Posted his File Manager Browser for the 3.55 Firmware

!____ Information ____!
|Read file system of PS4 in 3.55 |
| Upload Files to PS4 System |
PS4 Certificate And Playstation Core Has been Downloaded for 3.55

Will be Coding the File manager in to my PSPlayground and Putting it Live Soon

Youtube :


Big Thanks to @Lucii for informing me about this new Tool :)






Download: GitHub - MrV1rusYT/PS4-3.55-File-Browser
Original Download: GitHub - theorywrong/PS4FileBrowser: Read filesystem of PS4 in 3.55
Note: Reuploaded By Me, Made by TheoryWrong
PS4LIB 3.55 Doc: PS4 3.55 Library Documentation for Developers


Following the stellar news of the PS4 3.55 FileManager comes PS4 3.55 library documentation for PlayStation 4 developers to make use of! (y)

PS4 3.55 library documentation
JSON Format:
"<library>": {
"modules": {
"<module>": {
"exports": [
"id": 9819116604689812748,
"hex_id": "884482872EAD0D0C",
"encoded_id": "iESChy6tDQw",
"name": "<export>"
name is either not present or is null when the name for the export is unknown. hex_id and encoded_id are included for human convenience and are not used.

exports was chosen to be an array rather than an object since names must be strings, which would not cleanly work for id.

Github: GitHub - idc/ps4libdoc: PS4 library documentation.
PS4 PKG Unpacking Tools by Keyaku


So far we've seen PS4 PUP Unpackers, PS4 PKG Scripts, official Sony PS4 PKG / SDK Tools leaked, homebrew PS4Dev Tools and now PlayStation 4 developer Keyaku shared his PS4 PKG unpacking tools with the scene!

My collection of tools for PS4 file handling.

flat_z (original Python scripts for PUP and PKG unpacking)

First Release

pupunpack: splits PS4UPDATE.PUP and exposes inner PUP files (encrypted).
unpkg: unpacks retail/debug PKG files while collecting data and dumping internal files (mostly a C port of flat_z's Python script, at the moment).

Download: GitHub - Keyaku/ps4tools: PS4 PKG unpacking tools

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