آخرین اخبار هک PS4 | آخرین ورژن Firmware هک 9.00 | (پست اول مطالعه شود)


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آپدیت11 کنسول PS4 هک شد

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مچکرم از توضیحات شما ممنون ولی سوالم این بود که منظور از این نسخه ی جدید PS4 Playground چی هست
در ورژن 1.76 که موفق به استفاده از اکسپویلت شده اند، یک سری برنامه برای باز کردن منوی دیباگ(توسعه دهنده)، ارتباط FTP و غیره وجود داره که هر کدوم رو باید طرف با استفاده از دانشش روی لینوکس پیاده کنه
Playground همه ی این نرم افزار ها رو در قالب یک مجموعه جمع کرده، صرفا برای استفاده ی راحت تر هست.
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والا دو نفر زیر همون پست اموزش جیلبریک نوشتن دستت درد ننه کار کرد یکیشم نوشته

تاریخش هم 1 می 2016 هسیت
Finnaly i can download all games for free thanks men

بعد جالبه ببینید چقدر این فایله دانلود شده و حجمش هم 760 مگه

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والا دو نفر زیر همون پست اموزش جیلبریک نوشتن دستت درد ننه کار کرد یکیشم نوشته

تاریخش هم 1 می 2016 هسیت
Finnaly i can download all games for free thanks men

بعد جالبه ببینید چقدر این فایله دانلود شده و حجمش هم 760 مگه

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احتمال داره خود سایت نظر ها رو نوشته باشه . چون با این همه دانلود دو تا نظر خیلی کمه
PS4: Kernel elf loading added to elf loader

by wololo · May 17, 2016
Developer Hitodama updated the PS4 native toolchain yesterday to add support for Kernel elf loading in the elf loader tool.
Typically, a process/binary running in kernel mode has more access than a “normal” process. This could mean access to more RAM in some cases, or functions that could help optimize speed, or simply being able to do things a normal process would not be able to (in the PSP world this included the possibility to spawn plugins on top of homebrews, for example)
The Native PS4 SDK and associated tools will only work if you have a PS4 running firmware 1.76 currently. This is not a limitation of the tools themselves, but running your own code on the PS4 today requires a combination of exploit + privilege escalation (kernel exploit). This combination today is limited by the only publicly know userland exploit, a Webkit exploit running on firmware 1.76.

Some users are leveraging the firmware 1.76 hack to run linux on their PS4, while other hackers are hard at work to run native tools and utilities through the exploits. The PS4 SDK is a critical piece, in both cases.

You can get the latest commit on the PS4Dev github.
More details on the latest PS4 hacks on our PS4 Jailbreak page.
Source: Hitodama on twitter
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elf loader که قبلاً اومده بود برای اجرای کدها روی ps4 الا« با قابلیت اجرای elf ها در سطح کرنل آپدیت شده.
این طوری کدها می تونن قابلیت هایی داشته باشن که قبلاً نداشته باشن. مثلاً می تونن به رم دسترسی داشته باشن
و چیزهایی از این قبیل.

در این مرحله برای کاربران نهایی (مثل ما) خبر چندان مهمی نیست. (مهم هست، اما نه اونقدرها:دی)
؟(Rumor) PS4 Webkit exploit for 3.50 incoming)
BY WOLOLO · MAY 20, 2016

Rumors of hacker qwertyoruiop having a Proof of Concept Webkit exploit for the PS4 started to ignite the scene earlier today.

Playstationhax report that the hacker’s recent work on a use after free Webkit exploit is compatible with the PS4. The author on playstationhax (whom I have to assume is GregoryRasputin?) implies that the exploit works on the PS4, on the latest firmware 3.50.

Qwertyoruiop himself hasn’t been so specific. On twitter, he actually seemed to say he wasn’t sure if the exploit would actually work on the PS4 or not. Apparently, the code does crash the PS4, but it’s not guaranteed, based on the hacker’s post, if the crash is exploitable or not:

also bug seems to trigger on ps4- but it’s impossible to distinguish between OOM and segfault on ps4 :/

— qwertyoruiop (@qwertyoruiopz) May 20, 2016

Qwertyoruiop is a trusted dev of the iPhone hacking scene, and has also been credited in the past for helping CTurt on the PS4 kernel exploits.

Some details on the vulnerability are publicly available on the webkit github, so people with the right sets of skills could be able to confirm if this works. A successful approach might be to try the exploit on firmware 1.76 where some (albeit limited) debug tools exist, to avoid having to work on a proof of concept in the dark directly for 3.50.


Qwertyoruiop stated on twitter he would upload the exploit some time later.

btw heap use-after-free at WebCore::TimerBase::heapPopMin() · WebKit/webkit@98845d9 · GitHub is the bug i’m playing with. will upload code for the exploit at some point

— qwertyoruiop (@qwertyoruiopz) May 20, 2016

Note that his work is focused on the iPhone currently so it is not sure if the PoC he plans to upload will actually work on the PS4. But, that’s the magic of Webkit: since many devices rely on it, a vulnerability in the web engine means several devices may have the same vulnerability. But again, the hacker has provided no confirmation that anything is in the works, let alone plans to release, for the PS4.

Will PS4 3.50 firmware be hacked soon?
Today the only people enjoying a PS4 Jailbreak are people running on PS4 firmware 1.76. That firmware is fairly old and it is becoming expensive to get your hands on a PS4 running 1.76. (We have a list of links of PS4 models running 1.76 here if you want to get one).

So getting public exploits running on the latest PS4 firmware 3.50 would be really helpful.

A Webkit exploit such as the one described here, however, would not instantly turn firmware 3.50 into the “golden” firmware of PS4 hacking: This would only give us access to the Webkit process, and additional privilege escalation (kernel exploits) would be required to get full access on PS4 3.50, like is possible today on firmware 1.76. On Firmware 1.76 this is achieved through a combination of a webkit exploit and the dlclose kernel exploit.

The dlclose kernel exploit does run on some 2.xx firmwares, so a 3.50 kernel exploit would in theory give kernel access to people running 2.00 and the like.
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