Journey | PS3 Arcade‍

کدام یک را بازی کرده اید؟

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کاربر سایت
Nov 23, 2009
Big Boss

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

Developer: ThatGameCompany


Release Date: 13 / 03 / 2012

بازی دیگری از ThatGameCompany که قرار است برای کنسول PS3 عرضه شود ...

تیم TGC با شاهکار هایی همچون flOw و Cloud(دانلود بازی) برای PC و flOw ,Flower برای PS3 که در پرونده خود به ثبت رسانده و این بار با موتور قدرتمند Santa Monica دست به ساخت بازی جدیدی به نام Journey زده است.
این بازی همچون بازی های قبل که به صورت Arcade بر روی PSN قابل خرید بودند خواهد آمد .
یکی از خصوصیتهای بارز این تیم بازی سازی استفاده از آهنگ آرامش بخش و ملایم است که در این بازی نیز دیده می شود که این بار با تلفیق کردن محیط صحرا مانند حس و حال دیگری نسبت به بازی های قبلی خواهد داشت.
آخرین ویرایش:

Quantic Dream

کاربر سایت
May 31, 2010
من Flow رو بازی کردم واقعا بازی فوق العاده ای بود. گرافیک هنری و خیره کننده ، گیم پلی ساده که فقط با قابلیت Sixaxis و یه دکمه انجام میشد و موزیک و صداهای بسیار زیبا. فقط تنها بدیش کوتاه بودن ببش از حدش بود اما بسیار ارزش تکرار داشت ، کسی میدونه چجوری میشه توی بازیش اسکرین شات گرفت؟
در مورد Journey هم من نظرم کاملا مثبته امیدوارم باز هم کنترل بازی با همون Sixaxis باشه ، گرافیک هنریش عالیه و مطمئنم داستان زیبایی داره; امیدوارم گیم پلی به مراتب بلندتری نسبت به عناوین قبلی داشته باشه.
ممنون بابت تاپیک.


Loyal Member
Sep 29, 2005
دو سه ماه پیش تریلرش رو دیدم و از همون لحظه فهمیدم که شاهکار خاموش 2011 هست ! :D حالا هرکی میخواد هایپ بشه یا نشه به من ربطی نداره ولی از خیلی از بازیهای بزرگ امسال بیشتر منتظرشم !


Spirit of Fire
کاربر سایت
Aug 22, 2008
من flOw و Flower رو بازی کردم و واقعا از Flower خوشم اومد و یکی از بهترین بازی های آرکیدی بود که انجام دادم. این هم جالب میزنه:D


کاربر سایت
Nov 23, 2009
Big Boss
اصلا قصد نداشتم این تاپیکو بالا بیارم اما نتونستنم:d چند روز پیش یه تریلر جدید از این بازی اومد که در مورد بخش موزیک بازی بود نگا کردم وقتی تمام شد رو هوا بودم o:-)یک کلام آخرت بازی می شه ...
الانم تریلر آپ کردم تا دیگه راهتون طولانی نشه و چندتا شات که از صحنه های بازی گرفتم ...

Journey Music 2012
هر یکی اینو دان نکرد ***:dوقتی دان کرد می فهمه چرا *** نیست.
آخرین ویرایش:


Aspect of Life
کاربر سایت
Jan 17, 2010
یعنی یااااا خدای همه :D خیلی موزیکش خفنه . اصا اشکم در اومد . حتما ویدئویی که دوستمون بالا گذاشتن رو نگاه کنید . عجیب گیم خفنی میزنه .


کاربر سایت
Apr 5, 2010
هنري ترين بازيي كه تا حالا ديدم ! اصلا موسيقي و صحنه هاش با روح و روان آدم بازي ميكنه ! :d جدا از لحاظ بصري ، گيم پلي خيلي خاصي هم داره ...


کاربر سایت
Nov 23, 2009
Big Boss
داشتم تو فروم TGC می گشتم که یکی چندتا سوال پرسیده بود و Community Manager جواب داده بود ماله 6 روز پیش:
First question, and I only ask because it's such an obvious question: Is there a release date for this game yet, that the news outlets just don't know about?

Journey WILL be released this Spring, unless there is some apocalypse type thing that goes on. Another PSN hack would only delay the release, but wouldn't delay the development of the game. If something really bad happened, like someone burned down TGC's office and the entirety of Sony Santa Monica, then the game would be delayed, possibly indefinitely.

Sometime back though, I saw that the estimated release time period was during December of last year. It was obvious that they would have liked to release it in time for Christmas with that kind of estimate, but as it's still not out yet, I figure that it was no where near completion.

On the main page, I see that all that is said is "Coming soon", but when I do a search on Google for "Journey release date" it pops back with "Best guess for Journey (2011 video game) Release date(s) is Spring 2012"

Checking what sources that Google used, I see that guess was made back in September, and here we are starting up with January. So I'm hoping there might be some more info that might be shared.

Info such as, are we talking "Early Spring", "Late Spring", or "That was a goal set back in September, and because we want to make sure we release a finished product don't get your heart set on Spring"

I can't say when this spring the game will be released, but I will say it will (likely) be sooner, rather than later. (I can't say anything official about a release date.) The game was supposed to be finished some time in 2011 (there was never anything more specific than 2011), and was delayed into 2011 to finish the very last part of the game

I'm perfectly fine with any of those answers, but I am also curious if perhaps a public demo will happen prior to the release date? Also if no prior release public demo is going to be made available, will it be likely that a demo will be available at release? I'm personally not that interested in the answer to that last question, as once the game is released, I'm getting it but I figure someone who has the same questions as I have right now, might hope to get that answer.

Usually, at this point, game developers would add on a lot of people to work only for 3-6 months, so the game would end up being finished quicker, but TGC doesn't want to do that and is looking for a more sustainable form of video game development. That's why there have been 12-13 people working on Journey at one time, instead of 5-25 people.

---------- نوشته در 03:03 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 02:57 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

اینطور که معلومه مثل اینکه بازی قابلیت Co-op داره که سرچ اتوملتیک داره :
Don't worry, Journey will likely have a long tail of customers who will be playing the game. It connects online automatically, so you don't have to worry about finding people online, because there will likely always be at least some people online, and as people can play worldwide, you aren't limited to only playing with people from a certain region.

---------- نوشته در 03:05 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 03:03 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

بازم سوال از همون بابا که بدرد ما می خوره(بنظرم ایرانیه:d)

Ah I'm not worried about finding people online if I had nice Internets, but as I don't have nice Internets, I need to actually prevent my PS3 from getting online when I don't want it online. That's what I meant by having to take the journey alone.

I was just saying that by the time you had a good connection, there would still be a lot of people playing the game for the first time, or at least being seasoned while still playing it. It's amazing meeting up with new people in the game, seeing how different people do different things!
آخرین ویرایش:


Loyal Member
Sep 29, 2005
حدودآ 20 روز تا عرضه Journey مونده ! :D
نویسنده Gamesradar بعد از تموم کردن بازی این طوری در موردش گفته :
[h=1]So last night I had one of the most amazing gaming experiences of my life. This is what happened...[/h]
An incredible thing happened last night. I had an amazing gaming experience the like of which I have never experienced before. I've been playing games for over three decades, which is officially a long time, so any new experience is not an insignificant achievement. And this particular thing that happened blew my mind.
In over 30 years of playing games I've never felt such a strong emotional bond with another character - whether controlled by a living person or an algorithmically constructed AI. I thought Ico and Yorda had something special, but this takes affecting character connection to a whole other level of giving a shit. We shared very real moments through the TV.

When the journey was over (and Journey is absolutely the perfect name for this game), I sat watching the credits with a massive smile on my face. I imagine tackling Journey alone would be incredible. But playing it with another person was unbelievable. Mind-blowing. Thinking about it now as I'm writing this is still giving me chills. Other games talk about co-operative play, but very rarely do they ever manage to make players let go of those selfish and competitive traits that are so inherent in gamers. But Journey does just that. And it's a truly unique and beautiful and amazing experience because of it.


قبل از این هم خیلی ها از بازی تعریف کردن و اگه مشکل خاصی پیش نیاد (مثلآ سرور بازی داغون باشه و اوایل کار گند بزنه به تجربه آدم) احتمالآ با چیز منحصربفردی طرف هستیم. (منحصربفرد به معنای میانگین 95 نیست !!) البته این جور بازی ها معمولآ به شدت سلیقه ای هستن و ممکنه خیلی از گیمرها که عادت به همچین چیزی ندارن زیاد هم از Journey خوششون نیاد ! مثلآ حالت Co-op بازی که این نویسنده به شدت باهاش حال کرده ، جوری هست که نمی فهمیم اون کسی که داره باهامون بازی میکنه کیه !! مثل این می مونه که توی یه بیابون داری راه میری و به یه نفر میرسی که هیچ شناختی ازش نداری و همراهیش میکنی ! :D


Gold User
Sep 18, 2008
علی متالیکا
چندتا تريلر از بازي ديدم ، واقعا خوشم اومد
اين يارو هم كه از بازي خوشش اومده ، احتمال 90% بازي رو روز اول دانلود كنم .

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر