Dark Souls | Xbox 360

The Hoss

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بازی Dark Souls جانشینی برای بازی معروف Demon's Souls است و به دست شرکت From Software روند توسعه ی خود را پشت سر می گذارد.


در Dark Souls، شخصیتی که طراحی می کنید باید دشمنانی که به دنبالتان هستند را به قتل برساند و طی انجام بازی می بایست به محیط اطراف خود توجه فراوانی داشته باشید.

به نقل از مجله ی فامیتسو، شمشیر زنی و یا مبارزه با گرز در گذرگاه های تنگ سخت و دشوار خواهد بود، درست مثل Demon's Souls که همین ویژگی بسیار در آن نمایان بود.
همچنین وقتی که شما مورد حمله واقع می شوید می توانید فرار کنید و یا از سپر محافظ استفاده کنید.
این عنوان که قبلاً با اسم رمز Project Dark شناخته می شد، در سال جاری میلادی بر روی کنسول های خانگی Xbox360 و PlayStation3 منتشر خواهد شد.

تصاویر Dark Souls:

با مراجعه به لینک فامیتسو که در بالای پست قرار داده شد، میتوانید تعدادی طرح مفهومی هم از بازی مشاهده کنید.
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دارک سولز شاید سخت ترین و نفس گیرترین بازی این نسل بشه! بازی خیلی مخوفی هست! من هنوز دارم کابوس باس های قسمت اولشو می بینم! Cant wait for the Sequel
این بازی داستان هم داره؟یا فقط سخته؟
اینم از اون حرف ها بودا
من هنوز چیزی از داستان dark souls فعلا چیزی نشنیدم ولی شما بد نیست یک نیم نگاهی به خلاصه داستان Demon's souls بندازی
The story is set in the fictional kingdom of Boletaria, ruled by the aging King Allant XII. Because of his greed, the king searched for power and prosperity through a dark ritual of channeling the power of souls that brought unprecedented prosperity to Boletaria, until the "Deep Fog" covered the land's outskirts, cutting off the kingdom from the outside world. Neighboring kingdoms sent scouts to investigate but none returned after entering the fog. It was only after Vallarfax of the royal Twin Fangs broke free from the fog that the rest of the world could be told of Boletaria's plight. By channeling souls, King Allant had awakened the Old One, a great demon residing below the Nexus. With the Old One's awakening, a dark fog had swept in that within it unleashed demons who feasted on the souls of mankind, where those left alive without a soul became insane and violent. Without resistance, the fog slowly begins to spread beyond Boletaria.

Many brave warriors attempted to breach the fog and save Boletaria while others were swayed at the prospect of harnessing the demon's souls, either way many were lost to the fog.The player takes control of one such warrior who breaches the fog and enters the lost kingdom, however shortly after entering, the lone hero adventurer is killed by a great demon. After dying, the hero, now in soul form, appears in the Nexus. In the Nexus, they are greeted by the Maiden in Black, a mysterious and blinded patron of the Nexus who gives them the quest to travel to each region of Boletaria and retrieve the demon's souls to gain power and eventually free the corrupted kingdom of Boletaria from the Old One.

One by one the hero slays the mighty demons that reside in many of Boletaria's notable locations; the Boletarian Palace, Stonefang Tunnel, Tower of Latria, Shrine of Storms and Valley of Defilement. It is also in these places where they encounter the few remaining great men and women of Boletaria. Once the hero claims all the demon's souls, the Maiden in Black leads them down below the Nexus to the Old One itself. The Maiden in Black beckons the Old One who invites the hero inside where the now deformed King Allant XII remains. During the final battle Allant claims that because of humanity's own violence and suffering, the Old One is acting mercifully by putting "an end to our tragic realm of existence." Upon Allant's defeat, his last words are a warning to the hero: "You fool. Don't you understand? No one wishes to go on."

During the end game the hero makes one last choice to either slay or walk away from the Maiden in Black. If the hero walks away, they have not succumbed to the temptation of the souls when the fog is lifted and the Maiden departs with the Old One back into the fog into its slumber once again, saving Boletaria and the rest of the world. If however they kill the Maiden in Black, they have become lustful for the power of souls, condemning the world with the hero as its ruler at the side of the Old One.
این بازی چر هیچ طرفداری نداره !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! یکی از بهترین rpgهای موجود هست البته فکر کنم بخاطر سختی بیش از حد باشه
چرا طرفدار نداره آقا؟
مگه ما اینجا هویجیم؟
ما منتظریم بازی عرضه بشه ولی انگار خبری نیست فعلاً.

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