امتیازات بازی Forza Motorsport 3


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اولین امتیازش را از Official Xbox 360 Magazine فرانسه گرفته که به اون 19/20 داده است
Everything is order and beauty, luxury, calm and technology

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تا الان 2 تن از دوستان PS Fan در تاپیک اقدام به اسپم بازی و ریزش نمک فرمودند که علاوه بر پاک شدن پست ها اخطاریزه هم شدن .
گفتم که باقی دوستان مرتکب چنین اشتباهی نشن ...
IGN به بازی امتیاز عالی 9.4 از 10 داده است.


همچنین IGN UK نیز به بازی امتیاز 9.4 از 10 داده است.


لازم به ذکر است که IGN به Forza Motorsport 2 امتیاز 8.9 از 10 داده بود.
Teamxbox - 9.5 - http://reviews.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/1778/Forza-Motorsport-3/p1/

IGN - 9.4 - http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1033110p1.html

IGN [UK] - 9.4 - http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1032675p1.html

Videogamer - 10 - http://www.videogamer.com/xbox360/forza_motorsport_3/review.html

xbox 360 achievements - 93% - http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/forza-motorsport-3/review/

MSXbox World - 9 - http://www.msxbox-world.com/xbox360/reviews/review/416/Forza-Motorsport-3.html

Xbox Life - 9.5 - http://www.xboxlife.dk/review/376/Forza-Motorsports-3.html

G4 - 5/5 - http://g4tv.com/games/xbox-360/61955/forza-motorsport-3/review

GameDaily - 9 - http://www.gamedaily.com/games/forza-motorsport-3/xbox-360/game-reviews/review/8804/2351/

همونطور که حدس میزدم با یه شاهکار طرفیم ! :love:

GN (U.S):

Closing Comments
Forza Motorsport 3 is an exemplary racing game. It's beautiful, the controls are spot-on, the career mode is satisfying, and the multiplayer component is awesome. But there's still room to grow. The visuals could be even better, the career mode sags at times, and there needs to be at least one more option for AI difficulty. Even with those concerns, Forza 3 is a big step forward for sim racing games. Turn 10 has thrown down the gauntlet and it will be a real challenge for Polyphony Digital to deliver a superior racer with Gran Turismo 5. After all, this is the best racing game of this generation. Good luck topping it.


Closing Comments
But as it stands, this is the very best racing game there is on the console market. It’s a compendium of everything that’s been great about driving games over the past few years, tied into a community that can keep the experience fresh for some time to come. For the uninitiated, this is a gentle introduction to the joys of well-clipped apexes and shaving split seconds, while for those already in thrall to the genre this is likely to be their obsession. The question of whether Forza is better than Gran Turismo has been answered comprehensively – and now the question is what can Polyphony offer in response?​


این جملاتی که قرمز کردم دقیقاً همون جملاتی هست که سازندگان بازی بکار بردن ! و برخی از کاربرها با وقاحت اونها رو مسخره میکردن و ... ! که اینم شد نتیجش !
آخرین ویرایش:
امتیازات فوق العاده عالی گرفت، من انتظار داشتم میانگین نمراتش بالا باشه ولی دیگه نه در این حد. این هم جزئیات امتیاز TeamXbox به بازی:


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