Now you ask what it is exactly? Microsoft will introduce the so-called XGD3 disc formats from around late April / early May. Currently, the XGD2 (Xbox Game Disc 2) formats in use. The disc image will always have a fixed size of about 6.8GB net and as such are limited to this maximum limit. The format offers something XGD3 about 1GB more memory (also net) and reached thus roughly 7.8GB. This 1GB available to developers of course. However, this new hash checks and anti-piracy measures are used. This XGD3 disc image (if one can read in the conventional way), can be burned to a commercially available double-layer discs, because they are outside the size capacity. During pressing of the discs in the press shop are virtually forced validation data to the extreme edges of the disc, which on the one hand, the verification, on the other hand, as an anti-copying system, since these sectors are not to describe blanks, not to mention the fact that Brenner these do Außnahmesituationen can only describe.
Microsoft reached so many years, an almost sure way to stem the Kopierbarkein. This is especially which are now contained to a plague which has become piracy. Only JTAG owners need not imply any idea of what to do next. Text of flying short shrug their shoulders and jump to the next topic.
For everyone else this means, however, that in future, first no more games can be copied. (Personally, I welcome this step, the long form was necessary in some!).
The introduction is so well established, however, also certain that we can expect from almost all programs, the new version that can deal from now on with the XGD3. On the hardware side the way, no interference is expected. XGD3 discs will work with all previously released (and future) models of the Xbox 360.
As I said, I welcome this action by Microsoft, and would also like to take this opportunity once again to the fact that any reference, etc. on piracy this forum is strictly prohibited!