شایعه [شایعه] راکستار به ایمیلهای شما در مورد Gta Iv پاسخ میدهد!


کاربر سایت
hi, I have been scraping every source for some information, and the fans of the game have noticed a real lack of any official information since the games release date delay back in August. I emailed early September and was assured that official information would NOT be months and months away and just wanted to ask when or if indeed we may receive an official statement regarding news. as i feel people are loosing Patience and the hype is far less then say 2 or 3 months ago.

They replied with a standard email which indeed did say.

Hey Nick,

Thanks for the email. I can assure you that we will have some new information about Grand Theft Auto IV in the near future, including an announcement of the game's official release date, the final cover artwork, new screenshots and an assortment of previews with all the biggest gaming publications.


البته این یک سورسی نداره. توی GTAF دیدمش.

حالا اینکی:
RSGNYC Webmaster:

Hi Adam,

I can assure you that we will have some new information about Grand Theft Auto IV in the near future, including an announcement of the game's official release date, the final cover artwork, new screenshots and an assortment of previews with all the biggest gaming publications.


سایت GTA Land اینکی رو گذاشته.
وبمستر سایت میگه: به زودی اسکرین شاتها و اطلاعات و پیشنماهای جدید در اختیار طرفداران قرار میگیرند.

شما امتحان کنید شاید وبمستر جوابتون رو داد. ببینیم بلاخره یک چیزی میگن؟:eek:(البته امکانش هست باکس آرتها بوده منظورش اما تاریخ قرار گرفتن ایمیلها بعد از ریلز خبر باکس ارتها بوده و این ایمیل میگه که اطلاعات جدید)
فیکه 90%. خدا کنه راست باشه:love:

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