بهترینهای سال 2012 از نظر سایت GameZone (بر اساس نامزد های VGA)

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بهترین های سال از نظر GameZONE انتخاب شدند :

Best Xbox 360 Game

Nominees: Assassin's Creed III, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Halo 4

Our Choice: Halo 4

Master Chief is the face of the Xbox 360, and he made a triumphant return in Halo 4. With better graphics, a great story, and tons of emotion now added to his character, there's no game that can top Halo 4 for the 360

Best PS3 Game

Nominees: Assassin's Creed III, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Journey

Our Choice: Journey

A PS3 exclusive, Journey is a game like no other. It manages to be a cathartic experience and showcases some of the most gorgeous graphics on the PS3. Journey proves that you don't have to have dialogue or complicated controls to be considered one of the best for the system

Best Wii/Wii U Game

Nominees: New Super Mario Bros. U, The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, ZombiU

Our Choice: Xenoblade Chronicles

This was one of the first games to make it to the US after a heavy petition by Nintendo fans. And boy, did it pay off! Featuring massive amounts of content, including an epic storyline, tons of side quests, and gorgeous graphics for the Wii, Xenoblade Chronicles was a RPG gamer's dream come true

Best PC Game

Nominees: Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Torchlight II, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Our Choice: Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 was a massive improvement over its predecessor. Featuring a vast open world that encourages players to help each other and explore, GW2 focused less on the grind and more on the player experience

Best Graphics

Nominees: Assassin's Creed III, Dishonored, Halo 4, Journey

Our Choice: Halo 4

Halo 4 pushed the Xbox 360 to the graphical limit, surprising a lot of people with just how much better Master Chief can look after five years. From the environments and enemies to the particle effects and cutscenes, Halo 4 is a shining example of graphical prowess

Best Handheld/Mobile Game

Nominees: Gravity Rush, LittleBigPlanet Vita, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Sound Shapes

Our Choice: Gravity Rush

Gravity Rush is a sure winner thanks to its unique gameplay. With RPG elements and some cool gravity-based combat and navigation, this game is a thrill in an otherwise lackluster Vita library. Not to mention, it looks amazing.

Studio of the Year

Nominees: 343 Industries, Arkane Studios, Gearbox Software, Telltale Games

Our Choice: Telltale Games

Telltale Games have delivered numerous adventure games based on popular movie franchises, but none have been so expertly crafted as The Walking Dead. Featuring a nail-biting storyline, split decision making and an intriguing cast of characters, your decisions affect how the story plays out in each episode. And that is truly groundbreaking. Did we mention that it's great on consoles, PC, and even mobile phones

Game of the Year

Nominees: Assassin's Creed III, Dishonored, Journey, Mass Effect 3, The Walking Dead: The Game

Our Choice: Mass Effect 3

Despite its lackluster ending filled with controversy, Mass Effect 3 was a compelling story with heartbreaking moments, combined with great visuals and intense action. It was one more hurrah for Shepard and his team, which lived or died based on your decisions.
خیلی مسخرس انتخاباش:دی
Best game of the year: Mass effect 3 ?!?!?
من همین الان شرط میبندم این نمیشه:دی
نه که بگم بازیش زشته ها ولی بنظر من عمرا اگه ME بشه
خیلی مسخرس انتخاباش:دی
Best game of the year: Mass effect 3 ?!?!?
من همین الان شرط میبندم این نمیشه:دی
نه که بگم بازیش زشته ها ولی بنظر من عمرا اگه ME بشه

بیخیال بابا,اگه یه بازی واقعا حقش باشه که بازی سال بشه همین مس افکته!!
بازی دوسال هم میتون انتخابش کنن!!:d
انتخاباش خیلی معقولانس!
تقریبا همه چیزش درست هست، واینکه بعضی ها در انتخاب Game of The year نظر مخالفی با هم دارن این هس که نامزد های این جایزه همه از شاخ های امسال هستن، پس معلومه که انتخاب بینشون خیلی سخته

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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