Mass Effect: Andromeda | PC


سازنده : BioWare
ناشر : Electronic Arts
سبک : Action role-playing,third-person shooter
پلتفرم : Xbox One ,PlayStation 4 ,Microsoft Windows
تاریخ انتشار : March 21, 2017

توضیحات و اطلاعات بازی :


شعبه مونترال بایوور وظیفه ی ساخت بازی را بر عهده دارد.

Design Work و ساخت بازی از اواخر 2012 آغاز شد.

N7 Day سال 2013 :

اولین کانسپت های آف اسکرین [و یک اسکرین شات از گیم پلی] از نسخه جدید منتشر شد:

E3 سال 2014 :

کنفرانس دیشب EA حاوی ویدیویی در مورد بازی های آینده استودیوی بایوور بود که در بخشی از آن مطالب کوتاهی در مورد Mass Effect جدید به همراه یک ویدیوی پروتوتایپ مفهومی از بازی توسط کیسی هادسن و سازندگان بازی ارائه شد.

ویدیو: watch?v=4H1FN2_--EM

*پخش موزیک Uncharted Worlds از Mass Effect 1*

"قصه‌های عالی مختص یک دوره نیستند و برای همیشه انسجام خودشون رو حفظ می‌کنند. برای همین ما در بایوور به شدت در حال کار بر روی این مورد هستیم.

یعنی شما واقعا با این شخصیت‌ها خو می‌گیرید، این آدم‌ها در خاطرتون میمونه و حتی داستان هم بعد از مدتی طولانی از بازی کردنتان در یاد شما هست.

این قصه‌ای نیست که صرفا بخواهیم بازگو کنیم، بلکه این قصه‌ای که (توسط شما) باید کشف بشه و در آن مکاشفه شود. در واقع این یک داستان گویی تعاملی است.

زمانی که شروع به طراحی و ساخت ME بعدی کردیم، در ابتدا از فن ها پرسیدیم که اونا از بازی چی میخوان و ME برای اون ها باید چه جوری باشه. یکی از بیشترین چیزهایی که هواداران به ما گفتند و خواهان آن در ME بودند، این بود که به یه جای جدید برویم... و به جلو حرکت کنیم [منظور دنباله؟]

جاهای جدید، شخصیت های جدید، آدم های جدیدی که عاشقشون بشین.

ما شما را با خودمون به یه محیط کاملا جدید از فضا می بریم.

این دنیا این قدر وسیعه که بتوانید در افق آن محو شوید. دنیایی که تجربه های بیشتر و بیشتری را برای لذت بردن بازیکن فراهم می‌کنه.

یک سیاره را اون سر کهکشان انتخاب کنید. به اونجا پرواز کنید و ببینید چه چیزهایی میتونید در آن جا کشف کنید.

تصور کنید که الان چه کارهایی میتونیم با قدرت کنسول های جدید و نرم افزارهای فوق العاده [منظور انجین] انجام دهیم... همه‌ی این ها واقعا شگفت انگیز به نظر میرسه. ما هیچوقت شخصیت هایی به این اندازه طبیعی و واقعی ندیده بودیم.

من فکر میکنم فن هایی سری در آینده واقعا متعجب می‌شوند که ما تا چه اندازه‌ای (در این موارد) تونستیم به جلو حرکت کنیم."

Comic-Con سال 2014 (بازگشت Mako) :

پنل مس افکت در کامیک کان ===> watch?v=00YqU7CT3XQ
ویدئوی مربوط به ساخت و طراحی Makoـیه جدید ===> watch?v=MzueBbcXqRk

خب Bioware پنلی توی SDCC داشته و اطلاعاتی رو از Mass Effect جدید منتشر کرده که در ادامه بخش هایی از اون رو میخونید:

- اسم بازی Mass Effect 4 نیست.
- Mako برگشته! تصاویری از اون منتشر شده که پایینتر میبینید. ظاهرا توی ویدئویی که از بازی نشون دادن Mako خیلی سریع شده.
- بازی بر اساس کشف مکان های جدید ساخته شده، پس به یه وسیله نقلیه برای اینکار احتیاج دارید.
- رندرهایی از Armor شخصیت ها نشون دادن که تصاویرش رو میتونید پایینتر ببینید
- ظاهرا داستان قراره در زمان زندگی شپرد باشه ولی شپرد توی داستان بازی نیست، شاید بازی در یه کهکشان دیگه اتفاق بیوفته. البته هنوز هیچ چیز به طور رسمی در این مورد گفته نشده.
- اعضای تیم سازنده تاکید میکنند که داستان کاملا جدیده و بازی در مورد شپرد نخواهد بود.
- Timeline بازی به صورت رسمی در پنل اعلام نشد. (تنها اشاراتی در این مورد داشتن)
- در کنار چیز های جدید، یه ذره هم از قدیمی ها میبینید (احتمال حضور شخصیت های قدیمی)
- تمرکز بیشتر MP بر روی همکاری بجای رقابت.
- Mass Effect جدید بیشتر حال و هوای یه دنباله معنوی برای سری اصلی رو خواهد داشت.
- تیم سازنده دوست داره تا جایی که میشه دست بازیکن رو باز بزاره و بهش حق انتخاب بده.
- به لطف Frostbite 3 انیمیشن های بازی فراتر از تصورات اولیه تیم سازنده بازی هستند.
- چندین منبع خبر از کهکشان جدید میدن ولی این خبر هنوز به صورت رسمی تایید نشده.
- پایه بازی بر اساس کشف مناطق ناشناخته است و Mako برای گشت و گذار سریع در سیارات مختلف طراحی شده.
- هنوز خبری در مورد نژاد بازیکن ها اعلام نشده.


اطلاعات تکمیلی تر از Comic-Con 2014 :

صحبت های که Mike Gamble تهیه کننده ی سری :

"این، همون Makoـی که شما به یاد دارید نیست، Makoـیِ جدید کاملا متفاوت طراحی شده." ادامه میده: " نکته اینجاست که Mako حالا بسیار سریع شده، تفاوت داره با اون چیزی که قبلا دیدید. دیگه مثل قبل cannonـی روی اون تعبیه نشده.
شاید حالا بتونه روی آب شناور باشه، شاید بتونه بپره."
" Mako در اینجا مثل یه راه حل سریع می مونه که شما رو از نقطه ای به نقطه ی دیگه انتقال میده. در واقع میتونید خیلی راحت و سریع به نقاط مختلف یه سیاره برید. ما کارهای زیادی رو روی فیزیک انجام دادیم، چون فیزیک بخش خیلی واجبی برای Makoـی هستش که بخش مهمی از بازی رو پوشش میده. ما در حال ساخته عنوانی هستیم که در مورد کاوش مکان هاست و بدیهی هستش که برای این کاوش به یه وسیله ی نقلیه ی مناسب، نیاز داریم. "

یکی دیگه از نکات مهم equipment و ability منحصر به هر فرد ـه : " شخصی سازی، این چیزیه که ما به دقت روش تمرکز کردیم. ما این احساس رو داریم که اگر شما مدت زیادی رو داخل وسلیه ی نقلیه ی خودتون [Mako] گذروندید، شخصی سازی، اون قدری قدرتمند باشه که منعکس بکنه که شما یه بازیکن هستید و شخصی سازی هم [مثل بخش driving] یه المان مهم برای شماست."
احتمالا توی بحث مدل کارکتر هم شخصی سازی بیشتری داریم.
" طراح های شخصیت ما، همه چیز رو توی مراحل و لایه های متفاوت طراحی کردن. مثلا شما می تونید بخش های مختلف زره ـی که به تن دارید رو خارج کنید. این سطح از شخصی سازی برای هر چیزی که شما بپوشید امکان پذیره. "

در مورد نژاد قابل بازی: " مطمئنا شخصیت اصلی انسان خواهد بود، ولی آیا نژاد قابل بازیه دیگه ای هم در نظر گرفته شده؟!... این چیزیه که ما فعلا نمی تونیم در مورد اون صحبت کنیم. "

" موضوع اینه که ما دوست داریم یه تجربه ی جدید رو به ارمغان بیاریم، ولی اینم می خواهیم که بعضی از عنصر هایی که شما از سگانه می شناسید و دوست دارید رو برگردونیم؛ شاید بعضی از شخصیت ها."

N7 Day سال 2014 :

تصاویر :

توضیحات :

- عکس چهارم مربوط به محیط زندگی یکی از نژادهای جدید بازی می باشد. در توصیفش گفته شده که "سرسبز، باشکوه، شاعرانه و حس ایده آل گرایی؛ جایی که تکنولوژی و طبیعت در هم آمیخته شده اند." عکس آخر هم مربوط به یکی دیگر از نژادهای جدید هست که دقیقا برعکس بالایی است جایی که خفقان، تاریکی و معماری فوق العاده منحصر به فرد و پیشرفته در آن موج میزند."
[نکته: در لیک های مربوط به نمایشگاه PAX 2013، لیک هایی که باور میشه واقعی باشند، در توصیف دو نژاد جدید گفته شده بود "سرکش، ظاهری بسیار لاغر و تقریبا اسکلتی با چشمان درخشان، و یک چیزی شبیه به آن که گردن آن ها به سینه ی آن ها دوخته شده است [تقریبا هم خوانی با یکی از نژادهای توصیف شده بالا] "و نژاد بعدی، "نژاد محافظ" کهن و باستانی و البته پیشرفته. گالم های سنگی فانتزی و Sci fi را در نظر بگیرید، بعد به آن ها خطوط درخشان دقیقا مثل فیلم Tron در سطوح بدنشون بیفزایید. رنگی به مانند ریپرها و یک سری قطعه و تیکه که در بعضا در سطح بدنشون وجود داره."

- عکس ششم مربوط به یکی از ابزارهای کرکتر ما می باشد. چیزی زیادی گفته نشد اما مثل اینکه در سیاره های جدید و ناشناخته این تول مربوط به راهبری و موقعیت شناسی و در واقع نقش مپ شما را ایفا میکند.

- تمرکز کامل بر روی اکتشاف در سرزمین های ناشناخته.

اطلاعات دیگر:

- انجین بازی Frosbite 3 هست.
- حضور نژاد Salarian در نسخه جدید تایید شده.
- رومنس و Same-S*X همچنان جزو ویژگی های بازی هست.
- احتمال ریلیز اواخر 2015/اوایل 2016 می باشد که با سیاست جدید EA یعنی دوره ی سه ساله ساخت برای بازی های AAA این کمپانی هم خوانی دارد.
- شعبه مونترال که وظیفه ی ساخت بازی را بر عهده داره قبلا بر روی مالتی پلیر ME 3 و چند مورد از DLCهای داستانی کار کرده بود که DLCی Omega محصول تکی این استودیو است.

لیست اعضای کلیدی تیم توسعه:

Chris Schlerf, Lead Writer [نویسنده Halo 4]
Chris Wynn, Senior Development Director
Fabrice Condominas, Producer
Ian Frazier, Lead Designer
Joel MacMillan, Art Director
Mac Walters, Creative Director (همکاری با
Drew Karpyshyn برای نویسندگی شماره دوم بازی، نویسنده ارشد شماره سوم - طراح اصلی و شخصیت پرداز دو کرکتر Wrex و Garrus و ...)
Mike Gamble, Producer [معمولا تهیه کننده ها در بازی های EA در راس تیم قرار میگیرند. مایک رهبری تیم ساخت رو بر عهده داره. وی از Mass Effect 2 وارد بایوور شد و یکی از دلایل پیوستنش به این استودیو شماره اول Mass Effect بود! (وی از آن به عنوان بهترین بازی عمرش یاد میکنه). بعدا نقش های متفاوتی در بایوور داشت که در مورد این فرنچایز، وی در DLCی تحسین شده ی Lair of the Shadow Broker یکی از اعضای کلیدی تیم ساخت بود. همکاری در تهیه کنندگی DLCی Ciatdel وتهیه کننده ارشد Extended Cut و چندین مورد دیگر از کارهای وی هست.)

به روزرسانی :

تیم مونترال لباس های جدید خودشون رو دریافت کردند که روش یه برچسب و لوگوی جدید داره. احتمالا مربوط به Mass effect جدید هست (مثل لوگوی Pathfinder Initiative .(N7 ممکن است به ماموریت ما در کهشکان جدید (ناشناخته) اشاره دارد. A.R.K. C.O.N معلوم نیست مخففه چه عبارتی می باشد اما احتمال دارد مخفف یک سازمان یا کمپانی (حالا رسمی و زیر نظر دولت یا غیر رسمی) باشد.

E3 سال 2015 :
لوگوی رسمی بازی: (ممکن است بعدا یک مقدار تغییر کند)

کانسپت آرت جدید:

اولین ScreenShot:

تصاویر تریلر:

توضیحات :

از بلاگ BioWare و (Aaryn Flynn (Studio General Manager) , Yanick Roy (Studio Director

"ما امروز اولین تریلر سینماتیک بازی بعدیمان، Mass Effect™: Andromeda را به معرض نمایش گذاشتیم. در حالی که همچنان ماه های زیادی تا عرضه بازی در تعطیلات 2016 زمان باقی مانده است، اما هیجان زده ایم که کمی از مرحله کنونی که ما درش قرار داریم را به شما نشان دهیم. اول بهتره به سراغ پیش زمینه این بازی برویم.

زمانی که ما تریلوژی اصلی بازی را با Mass Effect 3: Citadel در اوایل 2013 به پایان رساندیم، ساخت و طراحی Andromeda به طور کامل در جریان خودش بود. ما این را در نظر داشتیم که پایه کار برای شروع طراحی بازی، ترکیبی از بهترین بخش های تریلوژی قبلی باشد: دنیاهای پر مخاطره برای اکتشاف، شخصیت های گیرا و اکشن قوی. در همین حال آشکارا در نظر خود داشتیم که به معنای واقعی به بسط و گسترش آن چه که شما از یک Mass Effect می خواهید جامه عمل بپوشانیم.

با اینکه همچنان آمادگی این را نداریم که وارد جزییات شویم، اما با توجه به محتوای تریلر و همچین عنوان آن، اون چه که می توانید در مورد بازی بگویید این است که این عنوان تقریبا یک ماجراجویی کاملا جدید است که از نطر موقعیت زمانی خیلی بعدتر از تریلوژی اصلی و در مکانی بسیار دور از آن به وقوع می پیوندد. شما در نقش یک انسان، مرد یا زن، قرار دارید. اگرچه این شخصیت در واقع کسی را که در تریلر دیدید نیست (بعدا در مورد آن صحیت می کنیم)، شما به اکتشاف کهکشانی کاملا تازه، Andromeda، و همچین به هدایت Mako جدید و بهبود یافته می پردازید که در طول این برهه، شما دارای یک تیم جدیدی خواهید بود که تشنه ماجراجویی هستند، و به همکاری با آن ها می بپردازید، ازشون یاد می گیرید، در کنارشان به مبارزه می روید و در یک کلام عاشقشان می شوید."

"تریلری که مشاهده کردید بر روی موتورمان، Frostbite™ ساخت و اجرا شده است که نشان دهنده هدف ویژوالی و گرافیکی که برای این بازی در نظر داریم می باشد [...] و با قرار دادن تمرکز کامل مان بر روی PC و کنسول های فعلی [...][...] و مشتاق این هستیم که جزییات بیشتری از بازی را در اواخر امسال با شما به اشتراک بگذاریم. تا آن زمان، سه تیم مونترال، آستین و ادمنتن به شدت در حال بر روی این ماجراجویی جدید هستند که [...] [...] ... [...]"

آنالیز تریلر:

1- آهنگ در حال پخش داخل تریلر با نام "Ghost Riders in the Sky" کاری از Johnny Cash [ لینک یوتیوب ]

2- به نظر میرسه یک نوع جانور (جاندار) شب تاب مانند در این صحنه در سمت راست تصویر در حال حرکت است.[0:13]

3- کلمه ARK در کنار RW1 در هر زمان که N7 Trooper بین صفحات سوییچ میکنه در صحنه ظاهر میشه. (شاید پیش بینی ها در مورد ساخت یک ARK و فرستادن آن به کهشکانی جدید برای پیدا کردن حیات دوباره در ضمن حمله ریپرها واقعیت داشته باشد) [0:20]

4- حشره سوسک مانند فضایی در این صحنه در وسط تصویر [0:24]

5- دوباره همان حشره این دفعه به طور واضح

6- چند تصویر دیگه از آن

7- جانوری بالدار و در حال پرواز در این دو تصویر دیده می شود (تصویر دوم در انتهای راست) [0:31]

8- سفینه ای که به نظر میرسه N7 Trooper در آن قرار داده یک جامپ FTL انجام میده، همان طور که در تصویر هم FTL Destination را میبینید (FTL که اساس آن Mass Effect است به Mass Relay احتیاج دارد که البته در این صحنه اثری از Mass Relay دیده نمیشود. شاید بتوان گفت که سفینه مستقیما از تکنولوژی Relayها بهره می برد که یعنی به نوعی سفینه یک Relay متحرک است. و شاید با این تفسیر بتوان گفت که چگونه بشر خودشو تونسته به Andromeda برسونه. با این که همچنان چیزی مشخص نیست) [0:45 و 0:49 و 0:55]

9- اسلحه ای که شخصیت ما در دست داره از خانواده (Carnifex (M 6- Carnifex می باشد که در تریلوژی آن را دیدیم. [1:03]

10- هلمت به نظر میاد چیزی میان دو هلمت Capatictor and Kestrel در تریلوژی باشد با قسمت فوقانی کاملا یک دست.


11- Chargeـه Mako به سمت پایین تپه. Mako نشان داده شده M-40 می باشد (Mako اورجینال M-35 نام داشت) [1:13]

12- صدای مخصوص نژاد جدید بازی؟ [1:19]

13- تعدادی برج در این صحنه از شن ها سر در اوردن که شباهت نسبی به ساختار و طراحی برج های نژاد Prothean در DLC From Ashes در ME 3 دارند. [1:26]


14- دو شخصیت در کنار N7 Trooper هستند. یک Krogan و همچین یک Human زن (تهیه کننده بازی مورد دوم را در توییتر تایید کرد - Mike Gamble)، این دو به نظر میرسه Drack و Cora باشند که از طریق نظر سنجی لیک شده چندی پیش به آن ها اشاره شده بود. باید اشاره کرد که این کرکتر زن در حال حمل یک شات گان می باشد. شاید بتوان گفت که وی از کلاس Vanguard می باشد (Vanguardها سلاح اصلیشان شات گان می باشند). همچنین به نظر می آید که وی هلمت N7 Breather Helmet (که بخش کوچیکی از صورت آن قابل شناسایی میشود) را به سر دارد که در این صورت انسان بودن آن و همچین شاید N7 بودن آن مشخص شود. [1:27]

N7 Breather Helmet :


10- شیلد در این صحنه شکسته می شود. [1:28]

11- در این صحنه دشمنان بازی رو می بینیم که البته تشخیص آن ها سخت است. چیزی را که میشه به آسانی تشخیص داد پاهای آن ها می باشد که مانند بعضی از نژادهای بازی مثل Turianها خم شده و برعکس حرکت میکند. چیز دیگه ای مشخص نیست. همچین نور ایجاد شده در سیستم Rocket-Jump شخصیتمان رو میبینید و همچین در این صحنه Omni Blade در حالت فعال قرار داره. شاید به این نوعی یکی از حرکات سیستم Mele بازی باشد. [1:30]

N7 Day سال 2015

تصاویر :

توضیحات :

به روز میشود ....
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر سایت
Aug 8, 2014
All in all, I can't wait to continue on later today. It was pretty addictive, and as a Mass Effect fan that loved the trilogy and was hoping this would turn out well, I'm so relieved. It's Mass Effect. 100%.

Also side note, the music in general is fucking awesome. Lots of synth, some bass. Oozes a bit of ME1.

I played 3 hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda - Thoughts so far

یکی از کاربرای معتبر گف


کاربر سایت
Dec 9, 2007
All in all, I can't wait to continue on later today. It was pretty addictive, and as a Mass Effect fan that loved the trilogy and was hoping this would turn out well, I'm so relieved. It's Mass Effect. 100%.

Also side note, the music in general is fucking awesome. Lots of synth, some bass. Oozes a bit of ME1.

I played 3 hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda - Thoughts so far

یکی از کاربرای معتبر گف
از اون طرف RPS مقاله نوشته و اصلا از بازی خوشش نیومده. باید صبر کرد واسه نمرات.
  • Like
Reactions: EAST2WEST


کاربر سایت
Jul 31, 2009
Five hours with Mass Effect Andromeda

اینم از همون وبسایت، تا به اینجا که ب جز یک نفر همه نظرشون مثبت بوده

دیشب هم بهت گفتم این ماله Feb هست ، دیگه تاریخ انقضاش تمومه :D ، تازه تو همین یکی هم زیاد تعریف نکرده و فقط بیشتر تفاوت های گیم با trilogy قبلی را گفته

The environments look gorgeous but the preview build suffered from something that haunts many BioWare games: the character models and animations were awkward and could often be jarring. After a few natural and engaging conversations with my crew they would spin around a bit and then quickly sprint a few steps in order to get back into their previous position. With the huge amount of dialogue and variables, some of this is to be expected but excellent writing and characterisation was let down by the awkward faces and movements.​

Shameless One

کاربر سایت
Mar 10, 2017
طارق عبدالعزیز
اینجوری که مقاله RPS گفته این از DA:I هم فاجعه تره! وقتی دیگه ژورنالیستای پولی هم حاضر نیستن از یه بازی تعزیف کنن یغنی وضعش خیلی خرابه. خوشبختانه میتونه یه پایانی باشه برای Bioware
The first few hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda are… well they aren’t good


کاربر سایت
Aug 8, 2014
Haters gonna hate
هزارتا مقاله و ویدیو هست از بازی ک تعریف میکنن حالا ی نفر نظرش متفاوت بوده هی اونو نقل قول میگیرن.

همون صبر کنیم نمرات بیاد ...هرچند اونا هم بالا باشن شاید بعضیا بگن پول دادن!


The Death Fleet Descends
Loyal Member
Jun 12, 2010
Blue Shadow
PCGamer هم فعلا با بازی زیاد حال نکرده. البته به نظرم دیدگاه عوض می‌شه و خود نقد مثبت می‌شه، اما متأسفانه تا الان وضعیت تو حالت alarm هست. :D

Kotaku خیلی‌ حال کرده البته
  • Like
Reactions: MVT and JOKERACN7


کاربر سایت
Aug 8, 2014
played about 4hrs and am now commanding the Tempest. Just landed on the first planet.

I can honestly say I am enjoying the game so far. I think the environments and lighting look rather nice playing on pc. The first planet map seems massive as well, so lots to explore

combat is fun especially jet packing around.
music is also good.

While some of the facial animations can look a bit weird from time to time, it has in no way stopped me from enjoying the game

I think the backlash against this game due to the animations is ridiculous imo.

def buy for me.

I'm about six hours into the trial, mostly on the game's single player and I must say that I am really enjoying it so far. I will say that I'm sad you couldn't simply customize the two default Ryders with a few adjustments in the character creator. I really wanted to do what I did for ME1-3 and that was change the female character's hair to red and maybe make some small adjustments. You can't do that here, which was a bummer, so I just kept it defaulted to the regular Ryder.

There are some glaring plot loopholes but maybe those will be explained as the game progresses. I'm also down on the first planet once you're able to freely explore and wow, it's rather impressive. Even on Medium settings for most everything I'm quite happy with how the game looks. I'm sure I'll be even more happy once I get my new video card and crank things up.

There are some clipping issues here and there but I haven't seen anything too egregious yet. There are also just a few issues with depth of field in some cases, namely when talking to others. It's very clear where the "outlines" for the DoF to kick in are located on some models/world geometry. I did see how to replicate that weird issue with the bow legged running animation that popped up (just run and spam alternate left and right strafe), but it's not something that will pop up when playing normally.

I also really feel as though the lip sync animations (with default female Ryder at least) are actually pretty damn good. I'd put them above Horizon since Horizon's lip syncing, in many cases, just came across as odd (clenched teeth talking, little lip movement, etc.). I've not seen any of that "nootnoot" thing that popped up in that gif. It seems as though emotions are convincingly shown on character's faces. There might have been a few amusing animation moments but it's really nowhere near as bad as some gifs make it out to be.

I also noticed that the eyes don't seem as bad as some videos show either? I'm on PC so maybe that makes a difference? There are some lighting conditions and some characters that make it so the eyes appear quite white. Other times they look a lot closer to the initial reveal with the more muted white tones. I'm sure there will be some modders out there that completely overhaul all of the eyes anyway, but for now they really don't seem to be as bad as some images I've seen.

As for multiplayer: It's still a lot of fun. It's somehow more frantic than the MP in ME3, which is honestly fine with me.

I've played for about an hour now and I'm quite enjoying it so far. My main gripe is that the check points seem to be incredibly unfair. I had just completed an optional objective, then got killed like a minute later and now I have to complete that optional objective all over again because the game didn't think it'd be necessary to save that progress. Other than that and the terrible CC, I'm really enjoying myself, though. So far, I haven't been too bothered by the facial animations, either. They don't look great, obviously, but they weren't as bad as I had feared and I haven't found them to be distracting or immersion-breaking so far.

Loving my time in game so far, game is extremely ME1 feels, very minor flaws are here and there but nothing that has detracted from my experience or sense of awe in exploration. Andromeda feels like Mass Effect, and that delicious sense of the unknown and wonder is here in droves.

If I could liken the game to anything so far, I would say it feels like Goonies mixed with Full House mixed with Event Horizon, with the best shooter combat in any RPG ever. It's not without flaws, but many of the things that have been meme'd till death or bickered over aren't ringing true for me...and it's stunning.

I'm playing in 4K upscaled (1080p render) and it's 60FPS 99% of the time on mostly high settings, and it has frakking HDR10 support (which I never knew was in it going in, what a surprise!), that 'An HDR video is playing' came up with 4K upscale options and shit... fidelity heaven right here on my KS8000. The UI was definitely designed for controller play, so that suits me and my Elite controller for sure, I can see how KB+M people would not be digging it, however.

The game is absolutely gorgeous on PC, I can say that much (and lip sync and animations are good: much, much better than Horizon's NPCs, on a par with Aloy for what it's worth). Story and Characters are solid af (albeit a bit of a slow burn), so if you had worries there: don't, it's in good shape. One thing I will say, the overall tone is much lighter than the trilogy, which I personally find refreshing coming fresh out of my millionth Insanity run...ME3 always brings a Vanguard down with that bittersweet sauce.

Detailed thoughts incoming after my 10 hours are up, half-way there: so back to it I go!

Played a few hours of it and the feeling once your on the citadelesque main base is astonishing, your fighting to survive and I love that. It opens up once you get your ship and start exploring the planet and mining and everything else, building an empire feels great. Side quests are interesting, and fun definitely has a witcher 3 feel in that regard. Only down side is I am stuck on a Glyph puzzle which I have no idea how to beat.

after the first couple hours, I'm honestly not sure where all the negativity is coming from. It feels like Mass Effect to me, with a bit of a bump in visual quality. ME games have always been a bit Janky and that is still the case here but its not that bad at all.

animations are a little stiff, but a big improvement over ME3. I guess people forget just how terrible the animations were in the original trilogy. Facial animations are definitely a bit dated, not much improved over ME3, but not bad enough to be a major problem imo. The Character Creation tools are worse than the old games, that I can confirm.

The writing is very much in line with previous ME games so far. A bit stilted but still engaging.

I like how most of the UI disappears when you holster your weapon. Makes for good exploration.

with a 970/6700k/16gb ram I'm getting 50-60fps on the first planet with the High preset

After putting a few hours into it I'm hyped again. I love it. Scott Ryder is growing on me and it's the same Mass Effect we know and love including the janky animations. The animations don't look that bad when you're actually playing the game in front of you. Combat is really nice and visuals are awesome on PC. Back to hyping it AAA

گوشه ای از برداشت های اولیه ی کسایی که بازی کردن، اگه کل بازی به همین خوبی باشه با یک مس افکت فوق العاده دیگه طرفیم.
  • Like
Reactions: Destruction


Napoleon of Crime
کاربر سایت
Feb 19, 2017
played about 4hrs and am now commanding the Tempest. Just landed on the first planet.

I can honestly say I am enjoying the game so far. I think the environments and lighting look rather nice playing on pc. The first planet map seems massive as well, so lots to explore

combat is fun especially jet packing around.
music is also good.

While some of the facial animations can look a bit weird from time to time, it has in no way stopped me from enjoying the game

I think the backlash against this game due to the animations is ridiculous imo.

def buy for me.

I'm about six hours into the trial, mostly on the game's single player and I must say that I am really enjoying it so far. I will say that I'm sad you couldn't simply customize the two default Ryders with a few adjustments in the character creator. I really wanted to do what I did for ME1-3 and that was change the female character's hair to red and maybe make some small adjustments. You can't do that here, which was a bummer, so I just kept it defaulted to the regular Ryder.

There are some glaring plot loopholes but maybe those will be explained as the game progresses. I'm also down on the first planet once you're able to freely explore and wow, it's rather impressive. Even on Medium settings for most everything I'm quite happy with how the game looks. I'm sure I'll be even more happy once I get my new video card and crank things up.

There are some clipping issues here and there but I haven't seen anything too egregious yet. There are also just a few issues with depth of field in some cases, namely when talking to others. It's very clear where the "outlines" for the DoF to kick in are located on some models/world geometry. I did see how to replicate that weird issue with the bow legged running animation that popped up (just run and spam alternate left and right strafe), but it's not something that will pop up when playing normally.

I also really feel as though the lip sync animations (with default female Ryder at least) are actually pretty damn good. I'd put them above Horizon since Horizon's lip syncing, in many cases, just came across as odd (clenched teeth talking, little lip movement, etc.). I've not seen any of that "nootnoot" thing that popped up in that gif. It seems as though emotions are convincingly shown on character's faces. There might have been a few amusing animation moments but it's really nowhere near as bad as some gifs make it out to be.

I also noticed that the eyes don't seem as bad as some videos show either? I'm on PC so maybe that makes a difference? There are some lighting conditions and some characters that make it so the eyes appear quite white. Other times they look a lot closer to the initial reveal with the more muted white tones. I'm sure there will be some modders out there that completely overhaul all of the eyes anyway, but for now they really don't seem to be as bad as some images I've seen.

As for multiplayer: It's still a lot of fun. It's somehow more frantic than the MP in ME3, which is honestly fine with me.

I've played for about an hour now and I'm quite enjoying it so far. My main gripe is that the check points seem to be incredibly unfair. I had just completed an optional objective, then got killed like a minute later and now I have to complete that optional objective all over again because the game didn't think it'd be necessary to save that progress. Other than that and the terrible CC, I'm really enjoying myself, though. So far, I haven't been too bothered by the facial animations, either. They don't look great, obviously, but they weren't as bad as I had feared and I haven't found them to be distracting or immersion-breaking so far.

Loving my time in game so far, game is extremely ME1 feels, very minor flaws are here and there but nothing that has detracted from my experience or sense of awe in exploration. Andromeda feels like Mass Effect, and that delicious sense of the unknown and wonder is here in droves.

If I could liken the game to anything so far, I would say it feels like Goonies mixed with Full House mixed with Event Horizon, with the best shooter combat in any RPG ever. It's not without flaws, but many of the things that have been meme'd till death or bickered over aren't ringing true for me...and it's stunning.

I'm playing in 4K upscaled (1080p render) and it's 60FPS 99% of the time on mostly high settings, and it has frakking HDR10 support (which I never knew was in it going in, what a surprise!), that 'An HDR video is playing' came up with 4K upscale options and shit... fidelity heaven right here on my KS8000. The UI was definitely designed for controller play, so that suits me and my Elite controller for sure, I can see how KB+M people would not be digging it, however.

The game is absolutely gorgeous on PC, I can say that much (and lip sync and animations are good: much, much better than Horizon's NPCs, on a par with Aloy for what it's worth). Story and Characters are solid af (albeit a bit of a slow burn), so if you had worries there: don't, it's in good shape. One thing I will say, the overall tone is much lighter than the trilogy, which I personally find refreshing coming fresh out of my millionth Insanity run...ME3 always brings a Vanguard down with that bittersweet sauce.

Detailed thoughts incoming after my 10 hours are up, half-way there: so back to it I go!

Played a few hours of it and the feeling once your on the citadelesque main base is astonishing, your fighting to survive and I love that. It opens up once you get your ship and start exploring the planet and mining and everything else, building an empire feels great. Side quests are interesting, and fun definitely has a witcher 3 feel in that regard. Only down side is I am stuck on a Glyph puzzle which I have no idea how to beat.

after the first couple hours, I'm honestly not sure where all the negativity is coming from. It feels like Mass Effect to me, with a bit of a bump in visual quality. ME games have always been a bit Janky and that is still the case here but its not that bad at all.

animations are a little stiff, but a big improvement over ME3. I guess people forget just how terrible the animations were in the original trilogy. Facial animations are definitely a bit dated, not much improved over ME3, but not bad enough to be a major problem imo. The Character Creation tools are worse than the old games, that I can confirm.

The writing is very much in line with previous ME games so far. A bit stilted but still engaging.

I like how most of the UI disappears when you holster your weapon. Makes for good exploration.

with a 970/6700k/16gb ram I'm getting 50-60fps on the first planet with the High preset

After putting a few hours into it I'm hyped again. I love it. Scott Ryder is growing on me and it's the same Mass Effect we know and love including the janky animations. The animations don't look that bad when you're actually playing the game in front of you. Combat is really nice and visuals are awesome on PC. Back to hyping it AAA

گوشه ای از برداشت های اولیه ی کسایی که بازی کردن، اگه کل بازی به همین خوبی باشه با یک مس افکت فوق العاده دیگه طرفیم.
مس افکت هم پتانسیلش جوری هست که متای پایین 90 بگیره = هست با گند زدن. مخصوصاً وقتی بایور بگه اندرومدا بهترین بازی ما هست با اینکه همه قسمتای قبل متای بالای 90 داشتن. خدا کنه حالا بعد این همه صبر و هایپ بالای 93 رو دیگه بگیره حداقل!


کاربر سایت
Aug 8, 2014
مس افکت هم پتانسیلش جوری هست که متای پایین 90 بگیره = هست با گند زدن. مخصوصاً وقتی بایور بگه اندرومدا بهترین بازی ما هست با اینکه همه قسمتای قبل متای بالای 90 داشتن. خدا کنه حالا بعد این همه صبر و هایپ بالای 93 رو دیگه بگیره حداقل!
متا به شخصه واسم مهم نیس ، فقط امیدوارم بازی برا خودم لذت بخش باشه

Shameless One

کاربر سایت
Mar 10, 2017
طارق عبدالعزیز
played about 4hrs and am now commanding the Tempest. Just landed on the first planet.

I can honestly say I am enjoying the game so far. I think the environments and lighting look rather nice playing on pc. The first planet map seems massive as well, so lots to explore

combat is fun especially jet packing around.
music is also good.

While some of the facial animations can look a bit weird from time to time, it has in no way stopped me from enjoying the game

I think the backlash against this game due to the animations is ridiculous imo.

def buy for me.

I'm about six hours into the trial, mostly on the game's single player and I must say that I am really enjoying it so far. I will say that I'm sad you couldn't simply customize the two default Ryders with a few adjustments in the character creator. I really wanted to do what I did for ME1-3 and that was change the female character's hair to red and maybe make some small adjustments. You can't do that here, which was a bummer, so I just kept it defaulted to the regular Ryder.

There are some glaring plot loopholes but maybe those will be explained as the game progresses. I'm also down on the first planet once you're able to freely explore and wow, it's rather impressive. Even on Medium settings for most everything I'm quite happy with how the game looks. I'm sure I'll be even more happy once I get my new video card and crank things up.

There are some clipping issues here and there but I haven't seen anything too egregious yet. There are also just a few issues with depth of field in some cases, namely when talking to others. It's very clear where the "outlines" for the DoF to kick in are located on some models/world geometry. I did see how to replicate that weird issue with the bow legged running animation that popped up (just run and spam alternate left and right strafe), but it's not something that will pop up when playing normally.

I also really feel as though the lip sync animations (with default female Ryder at least) are actually pretty damn good. I'd put them above Horizon since Horizon's lip syncing, in many cases, just came across as odd (clenched teeth talking, little lip movement, etc.). I've not seen any of that "nootnoot" thing that popped up in that gif. It seems as though emotions are convincingly shown on character's faces. There might have been a few amusing animation moments but it's really nowhere near as bad as some gifs make it out to be.

I also noticed that the eyes don't seem as bad as some videos show either? I'm on PC so maybe that makes a difference? There are some lighting conditions and some characters that make it so the eyes appear quite white. Other times they look a lot closer to the initial reveal with the more muted white tones. I'm sure there will be some modders out there that completely overhaul all of the eyes anyway, but for now they really don't seem to be as bad as some images I've seen.

As for multiplayer: It's still a lot of fun. It's somehow more frantic than the MP in ME3, which is honestly fine with me.

I've played for about an hour now and I'm quite enjoying it so far. My main gripe is that the check points seem to be incredibly unfair. I had just completed an optional objective, then got killed like a minute later and now I have to complete that optional objective all over again because the game didn't think it'd be necessary to save that progress. Other than that and the terrible CC, I'm really enjoying myself, though. So far, I haven't been too bothered by the facial animations, either. They don't look great, obviously, but they weren't as bad as I had feared and I haven't found them to be distracting or immersion-breaking so far.

Loving my time in game so far, game is extremely ME1 feels, very minor flaws are here and there but nothing that has detracted from my experience or sense of awe in exploration. Andromeda feels like Mass Effect, and that delicious sense of the unknown and wonder is here in droves.

If I could liken the game to anything so far, I would say it feels like Goonies mixed with Full House mixed with Event Horizon, with the best shooter combat in any RPG ever. It's not without flaws, but many of the things that have been meme'd till death or bickered over aren't ringing true for me...and it's stunning.

I'm playing in 4K upscaled (1080p render) and it's 60FPS 99% of the time on mostly high settings, and it has frakking HDR10 support (which I never knew was in it going in, what a surprise!), that 'An HDR video is playing' came up with 4K upscale options and shit... fidelity heaven right here on my KS8000. The UI was definitely designed for controller play, so that suits me and my Elite controller for sure, I can see how KB+M people would not be digging it, however.

The game is absolutely gorgeous on PC, I can say that much (and lip sync and animations are good: much, much better than Horizon's NPCs, on a par with Aloy for what it's worth). Story and Characters are solid af (albeit a bit of a slow burn), so if you had worries there: don't, it's in good shape. One thing I will say, the overall tone is much lighter than the trilogy, which I personally find refreshing coming fresh out of my millionth Insanity run...ME3 always brings a Vanguard down with that bittersweet sauce.

Detailed thoughts incoming after my 10 hours are up, half-way there: so back to it I go!

Played a few hours of it and the feeling once your on the citadelesque main base is astonishing, your fighting to survive and I love that. It opens up once you get your ship and start exploring the planet and mining and everything else, building an empire feels great. Side quests are interesting, and fun definitely has a witcher 3 feel in that regard. Only down side is I am stuck on a Glyph puzzle which I have no idea how to beat.

after the first couple hours, I'm honestly not sure where all the negativity is coming from. It feels like Mass Effect to me, with a bit of a bump in visual quality. ME games have always been a bit Janky and that is still the case here but its not that bad at all.

animations are a little stiff, but a big improvement over ME3. I guess people forget just how terrible the animations were in the original trilogy. Facial animations are definitely a bit dated, not much improved over ME3, but not bad enough to be a major problem imo. The Character Creation tools are worse than the old games, that I can confirm.

The writing is very much in line with previous ME games so far. A bit stilted but still engaging.

I like how most of the UI disappears when you holster your weapon. Makes for good exploration.

with a 970/6700k/16gb ram I'm getting 50-60fps on the first planet with the High preset

After putting a few hours into it I'm hyped again. I love it. Scott Ryder is growing on me and it's the same Mass Effect we know and love including the janky animations. The animations don't look that bad when you're actually playing the game in front of you. Combat is really nice and visuals are awesome on PC. Back to hyping it AAA

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